For the past ten years, millennials have been criticized in the press. Apparently, we are lazy, entitled, financially illiterate, disloyal with our jobs, etc. Even with the negative press, one stereotype I agree with is that we are driven by purpose. Millennials are notorious for having the desire to make a difference in this world. We strongly believe that there is more to life than just going to work and coming home. We want fulfillment in our jobs and businesses as well as in our personal life. The Purposed Journey is about my lengthy journey to finding and fulfilling my purpose in a business. Finding my purpose in life was imperative. However, I took many unnecessary paths to finding and fulfilling it. You don’t have to waste time like I did by wandering down a winding road on your journey to pursuing your passion and purpose. You can have a well thought out road map uniquely designed for your path to fulfilling your destiny. The Purposed Journey is a guide to help you on your way to finding and fulfilling your passion and purpose in a career or business. Everyone has a purpose to fulfill in life. It’s your time now!