UpworkUpwork is the most popular freelance platform. A lot of people from all over the world work from home on this website. It is not about "easy and fast" online earnings. It is about professionals who work online and earn $50 per hour and more. People with limited time use Upwork as a side part-time job.About the bookComplete guide (325 pages): from registration, filling profile, finding the first job, writing a cover letter and up to building reputation, increasing earnings, building an agency.The problem is that it's not easy to work on Upwork. You should know rules, guidelines, have sales skills and win the competition between other freelancers to get a job. You can learn everything by yourself or save time by reading several years experience of other freelancers.The book is written by a freelancer who creates mobile applications for clients on Upwork and own blog and podcast about freelance from 2013. However, the book contains examples for almost all professions on Upwork: designers, illustrators, translators, developers, QA, system administrators, support managers, data entry specialists, virtual assistants, engineers, scientists, lawyers, sales managers, writers etc.The most important topics:Filling in a profile; Choosing a niche (specialization); Searching for a job; Writing Cover Letter; Building reputation (JSS, Top Rated); Rules and guidelines; Fees and paid features; Payout methods; Hourly vs fixed-price. This book will be interesting for next people:Professionals, who want to start working online from any country of the world and receive the same salary as if they worked in the USA; Students, office employees, young parents and other people who don't have a lot of timeand want to find a side part-time job; People who don't have any special skills for online work but want to learn something new. It is possible to start freelancing from data entry jobs; Freelancers who have already worked on Upwork and want to learn other experience in order to improve profile, job applications, increase earnings; Offline company owners who want to find new clients on Upwork by building an outsource agency. The book contains answers to the next questions: StartHow to get the first job? Why does Upwork not approve a profile? How can a narrow niche help earn more money? How to work without special skills? EnglishHow to work with bad English? Google Translate? Is voice communication required on Upwork? ProfileHow to choose Title? What to add to a portfolio? How to pass tests? How to get 100% complete profile? Work process and job searchHow to get notifications about new jobs? How to estimate time and budget for a project? Why isn't it a good idea to use a template for a Cover Letter? What is Cover Letter structure? How to avoid disputes? ReputationHow to achieve 100% JSS reputation? How to get Rising Talent and Top Rated badges? Fixed-price and hourly earningsHow to protect yourself from fraud? How to track time via Upwork Desktop App? Why does a long-term partnership help earn big money? RulesHow to avoid a ban? What is dynamic Upwork fee? Is Upwork Plus paid account required? AgencyHow to build an agency?How to withdraw money from agency account?