Forget about sending your resume into cyberspace hoping that someone will bite, or standing in long lines at job fairs. If you want to advance your career and find jobs, then you must apply a networking strategy that gets your qualifications into the hands of people who can open doors for you! THE INFORMATIONAL INTERVIEW is such a strategy, and From Basement to the Boardroom is the definitive resource to teach you everything you need to know about leveraging this powerful, yet under-utilized strategy to create opportunities.As a job seeker, you face major challenges that keep you from landing quality jobs: 1. Lack of DIFFERENTIATION2. Lack of EXPOSURE3. COMPETITIONTo find a job in today's competitive market place, you must adopt a strategy that levels the playing field and overcomes the above 3 that allows you to get your qualifications in the hands of people who can open doors and facilitate access to the 'hidden' job market!For anyone lacking strong work experience or professional network, or for anyone seeking a networking strategy that levels the playing field, From Basement to the Boardroom is a book that is the ultimate game-changer! It is a book that teaches you how to leverage the most recession-proof strategy ever devised to find jobs: THE INFORMATIONAL INTERVIEW.This 60-page eBook guides you through the world of the informational interview as I share my personal the lessons-learned, best practices, and strategies I used to go from the unemployment line to an exciting career in Government. The breaks down every aspect of this insanely effective strategy, and walks you step-by-step through the process of how to leverage this strategy to access jobs by getting your qualifications in the hands of people who can open the doors of opportunity! A complete how-to guide!